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Via the #AssociatedPress @ 4:15pm on Dec 13, 2023

#Texas has sued a #NewYork doctor for prescribing #abortion pills to a woman near $Dallas, launching one of the first challenges in the U.S. to shield laws that #Democrat-controlled states passed to protect #physicians after #RoeVsWade was overturned.

Texas #AttorneyGeneral #KenPaxton filed the lawsuit on Thursday in #CollinCounty, and it was announced Friday.


Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit accusing a New York doctor of prescribing abortion drugs to a Texas resident in violation of state law. This lawsuit is the first attempt to test what happens when state abortion laws are at odds with each other.


"Earlier that day, April 3, 2023, Nakagawa had been scheduled to have a surgical procedure called a D&C, or dilation and curettage, to remove fetal tissue after losing a very wanted pregnancy. But that morning, she was told the surgery had been canceled because Tricare, the military’s health insurance plan, refused to pay for it.

While her doctor appealed, Nakagawa waited. Then the cramps and bleeding began."


ProPublicaA Coast Guard Commander Miscarried. She Nearly Died After Being Denied Care.
More from ProPublica

A Coast Guard Commander Miscarried. She Nearly Died After Being Denied Care.

U.S. service members have long faced strict limits on abortions, even when used to resolve miscarriages. Under federal #law, the #military will only pay for abortions in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother’s life.

#News #Abortion #Health #Government #Healthcare #Insurance


ProPublicaA Coast Guard Commander Miscarried. She Nearly Died After Being Denied Care.
More from ProPublica

Source: The Guardian

From the article: "In the US, “independent” abortion clinics are those not linked to a hospital or run by Planned Parenthood. Their closures can have an outsize impact on abortion access, since independent clinics provide almost 60% of all US abortions, according to the ACN report. More than 60% of the clinics that provide abortions after the first trimester of pregnancy are independently run, as are all of the clinics that perform abortions after 26 weeks. If the US network of independent clinics shrinks further, untold numbers of would-be abortion patients will probably be unable to end their pregnancies."

#Abortion #WomensHealth #WomensRights #RoeVWade #USPolitics


The Guardian · As funding dries up, private abortion clinics across the US are closingBy Carter Sherman

One-third of NSW LGAs had no doctors providing medical abortions in 2022
By Lucy Barbour and Lucy Sweeney

Family Planning Australia has analysed data on medical terminations across NSW, highlighting how access to abortion remains a postcode lottery.


ABC News · Family Planning report reveals a third of NSW local government areas had no doctors providing medical abortions in 2022By Lucy Barbour

This clever petition to widen access to safe abortion in Europe, which we mentioned on the show a couple of weeks back, is nearing its goal of 1 million signatures!

Anyone who's an EU citizen can sign. If this speaks to you, please consider adding your name:


My Voice, My ChoiceMy Voice, My ChoiceMovement for safe and accessible abortion in Europe. Join us and be a part of change for Europe that is free, equal, and just for all. Together we are stronger.

For now, #propublica is shining lights in dark corners, revealing sinister characters and plots, even data basing victims. Everything from #abortion to #ziklag - if you want to know what’s going on, I strongly recommend reading this site frequently. Many cool articles have an #audio too. I do that sometimes just sitting on the porch, listening when there’s good weather. These folks are on it. Get real.


ProPublicaInvestigative Journalism and News in the Public Interest
More from ProPublica

"A federal appeals court is expected to hear arguments Tuesday afternoon over whether Idaho should be prohibited from enforcing a strict abortion ban during medical emergencies when a pregnant patient’s life or health is at risk.

The state law makes it a felony to perform an abortion unless the procedure is necessary to prevent the death of the patient."


Dziś w Międzynarodowy Dzień Praw Człowieka kończy się ogólnoświatowa kampania „16 dni akcji przeciw przemocy ze względu na płeć”.

Brak dostępu do aborcji to przemoc i dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć. Oznacza to, że łamane są nasze podstawowe prawa. Ponad połowie społeczeństwa, odmawia się prawa do bezpieczeństwa i życia bez przemocy.

Zmuszanie kogokolwiek do kontynuowania ciąży jest przemocą. To narażanie naszego zdrowia, życia i przyszłości.

Aborcja musi być dostępna - tak wcześnie jak to możliwe i tak późno jak to potrzebne. Zawsze i dla każdej osoby. W poczuciu bezpieczeństwa. Bez barier i utrudnień.

Szkoda, że politycy i polityczki, którzy tak chętnie się z tej okazji wypowiadają o przemocy wobec kobiet, jednocześnie aktywnie odbierają nam sprawczość, kontrolę nad własnym ciałem, zdrowiem i życiem.

Na szczęście w ogromnej większości przypadków radzimy sobie same - dzięki aborcyjnej solidarności i siostrzanemu wsparciu. Grupy aktywistyczne i feministyczne należące do sieci Aborcji Bez Granic, zapewniają:
✅️ pocztowy dostęp do tabletek aborcyjnych w całej Polsce
✅️ możliwość wyjazdu na zabieg do zagranicznej kliniki, gdzie pacjentki są traktowane podmiotowo i empatycznie
✅️ wsparcie informacyjne, emocjonalne, logistyczne, psychologiczne i prawne w kontekście aborcji
✅️ finansują aborcje

Gdy państwo zawodzi, społecznościowe finansowanie aborcji jest kluczowe do zapewnienia realnego dostępu do niej wszystkim osobom, które tego potrzebują. Tutaj możesz się dorzucić: cause.lundadonate.org/aborcyjn

Aborcja Bez Granic to:
🧡 Aborcyjny Dream Team
🧡 Women Help Women
🧡 Abortion Network Amsterdam
🧡 Abortion Support Network
🧡 Supporting Abortions For Everyone
🧡 Ciocia Basia
🧡 Ciocia Czesia
🧡 Ciocia Wienia
my - Kobiety w Sieci

Potrzebujesz aborcji? Odezwij się:
☎️ 22 29 22 597 (codziennie 8-20)
📧 administracja@maszwybor.net
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