Proud Mary vibes.
Copyright © 2025 Garry Knight
All rights reserved
#photo #photography #fotografie #fotografía
#MyWork #MyPhoto #StreetPhotography
#BlackAndWhite #monochrome #mono
A great shot of the cart that is located next to our garden gate!
"So our lives go on, rumble-jumble, like a carrier's cart over ruts and stones, thumping anyhow instead of running smoothly on new-mown sward like a cricket-ball."
Amaryllis at the Fair
Near Louvre.
Ilford Delta 400
Pentax M 50mm/1.7, yellow filter
Spieker Film Lab
A nice example of Fibonacci in nature: a curled-up dried leaf.
Custom Art Framing, a
Since I'm fully retiring from my semi-retired part-time job (2 - 6hr days/wk) at the end of the month I thought I'd frame several items for myself while I can still get an employee discount.
I invite you to join me for the ride!
This is the chop room where we chop the molding legs to size. I'm chopping in-stock molding. Black looks best with B&W photos & is also inexpensive. 1/12