One night, as we were driving home from Halifax and we turned up South Street, we thought there was a fire at the end of the road. The whole sky was dark except for the blazing red, with what looked like smoke pouring across it. It was quite scary and very dramatic.
In fact it was the sunset, with steam from the hospital chimneys drifting across the sky. I took this photograph through the car window and, amazingly, it does show some of the drama we saw.
I meant to post this yesterday but got distracted:
This actually suits my mood today as I managed to overcome a huge problem with banking bureaucracy in spite of the intricacies of their security systems and constant brick walls put in my way. Actually I still don't know how I did it, so don't ask. But as this has been hanging over me since Saturday, the relief is almost overwhelming.
#EllieKPosts #Sunset #Halifax #NovaScotia #citySkyline #Drama #MoodyMonday (late)