A colleague gave me an old Macbook Pro 9.2, which was too slow even to open Safari or read emails...
After upgrading the ram from 4 to 16gb, changing the old HDD for a new SSD, installing #Fedora... I made a Zoom call while I had 20 tabs open on Firefox, with Nextcloud, Thunderbird, Telegram and Emacs open in the background.
But the thing that amazed me was the strange sense of #empowerment (?) I felt during the process.
Almost ready to wipe my Tumbleweed laptop and start fresh again. Currently leaning towards Bazzite for more stability, easier/supported app installs, and official Framework support. Wondering about app freshness on Bazzite though.
I do need to look more into atomic distros vs rolling (EndeavourOS is also on the table), and how much RedHat controls the Fedora project.
So, I have been using Project Bluefin the past few days, on two separate devices.
One is my now aging "gaming laptop" a circa 2018 nVidia Optimus equipped Dell G7, and the other an all Intel equipped Lenovo T14 that I bought used off eBay a couple years back.
So far I like everything about it... so much so that I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and the suck to appear, but so far there's nothing but pleasant surprise after pleasant surprise.
When I started looking into KDE there was something poking my nerves for quite some time until last year at FOSDEM (2024), how could one switch color schemes in the KDE applications?
One hurdle was down and I started experimenting with several ones, fine you would say? No! :)
Konsole still didn't want to follow color-schemes no matter what I tried, until today, found out (thanks Fedora VM) how they worked and then started checking this on Haiku.
I'm actually getting frustrated with running a rolling release; Tumbleweed has had a lot of problems over the last few weeks: graphical login screen crashing to console when I move the mouse, Wayland + KDE Plasma 6 hanging during login just before showing the desktop, CapsLock being locked on when I wake the laptop from sleep.
Bazzite's right there, and Fedora is officially supported on Framework.
That's a wrap for #SCaLE22x! It was great to see so many familiar faces and have so many great conversations about #Fedora, #Kubernetes, #DevOps, #Nextcloud, #podman, #QBASIC, and other #Linux adventures!
See you all again next year if not sooner!
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It there's one thing I know, it's that #linux #distributions that are community driven turn out to be the most reliable. My current go to for regular users is #Fedora, because it is a solid distribution that's cutting edge and it's designed by the community.
I can't say the same for #NixOS. The amount of internal fragmentation and in fighting is too damned high, and there is possible conflict of interest that sits like an elephant in the room.
So I'm thinking... I might make a switch soon.
Hey #SCaLE22x, I've used @thunderbird for 20 years. Come find me at the #Fedora booth for your bingo.
There is most definitely some sort of memory leak in @Vivaldi under Linux. Using Fedora, 128 GB RAM, and I just had my installation Crash.
I'm not quite sure how to report/bug report this because it will just crash.
It has happened twice, one where there must have been some sort of kernel panic because the entire computer had "crashed" when I turned the monitors on.
Has anyone else experience this?
Gibt es für den Cinnamon Desktop unter #Fedora ein Update Hinweis? Der Rechner ist für IT unaffine Nutzer und die schauen nicht "freiwillig" in die Softwareverwaltung. Also etwas alle Windows "Herunterfahren und Updates installieren" wäre sau cool, habe ich aber bisher nicht gesehen...
Gern teilen...
Große Überraschung heute, als ich auf einem DELL XPS 9500 das #Windows 11 gegen #Fedora ersetzt habe.
Windows hat mir nicht mitgeteilt, dass es ein Update für das BIOS gibt.
Fedora hingegen hat nach der Installation bei den Aktualisierungen sofort angezeigt, dass es die Firmeware updaten möchte und dann auch sauber das Teil geflashed. Das habe ich nicht erwartet, verdrehte Welt...
As RISC-V continues to develop as an architecture, learn about how Fedora is working in this space to enable RISC-V support!
Imagine you could only use one Linux distribution for the rest of your life. Which one would you pick?
I'll kick things off: my choice would be Debian.
No bragging, but solve-my-own situation here by creating KDE Migrant now kind of exploded into 37 people starring the repo just over the course of a week. I hope it serves them well. I deem the v2 to be as feature complete as needed, but maybe somebody will find some bug or an edge case.
#ubuntu #debian #kubuntu #kdeneon #linux #plasma #opensuse #fedora #arch #kde