"Techmilliardär Elon Musk und die rechtsgerichtete #HeritageFoundation gehen immer aggressiver gegen die freie Online-Enzyklopädie vor. ...
Dies konstatiert die amerikanische Software-Entwicklerin und Wikipedianerin #MollyWhite. Sie hat sich in einem Anfang Jahr veröffentlichten Beitrag mit den Vorgängen rund um #Musk und #Wikipedia befasst.
Musks erste Beschwerden richteten sich gegen seine eigene Wikipedia-Biografie, die ihn zu seinem grossen Verdruss, aber völlig zutreffend, als «Frühinvestor» von #Tesla und nicht als Gründer bezeichnet.
Erst, nachdem es Musk und dessen Gefolge nicht gelungen war, seine eigene Geschichte auf Wikipedia umzuschreiben, weitete er seine Kritik auf allgemeinere Beschwerden aus, etwa über einen angeblich systematischen Links-Drall von Wikipedia.
Die Wut des Techmilliardärs gipfelte Ende 2024 in einer Flut von Angriffen, die darauf abzielten, seine 200 Millionen #X-Follower davon zu überzeugen, die #Wikimedia Foundation zu boykottieren."
#Trump, #Musk, & #RussVought, the newly appointed dir of OMB & architect of the #HeritageFoundation’s #Project2025—the original #RegimeChange blueprint—are now using IT operations, captured payments systems, secretive engineers, a blizzard of #ExecutiveOrders, & viral #propaganda to achieve the same thing.
This appears to be #DOGE’s true purpose.
Let's never forget that The Heritage Foundation is evil.
Heritage Foundation Wants Trump To Deport Prince Harry
#OMB head #RussellVought takes over #CFPB as 'acting head,' #DOGE team deletes #X account. The meaning of X account - not widely known - all govt agencies have been directed to use X as their only #socialmedia platform. So delete the agency from X, takeover all IT systems, lock out personnel, stop all programs & services. This is a #coup #trump #musk written and orchestrated by #Vought #Project2025 #HeritageFoundation #federalistsociety #Maga #GOP #economy #consumerfinancialprotectionagency
Lambda Legal & HRC file 2nd legal challenge to Trump anti-trans military ban
* lays out precisely how Trump's ban harms lives of military members/their families
* also damages national defense
#SocialJustice #HRC #LambdaLegal
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter
#Trump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #autocracy
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires
[thread] Resisting Trump2/GOP fascism
#HumanRights #SocialJustice #resistance #CivilDisobedience #ConscientiousObjection
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
#Trump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #autocracy #extremism
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #whiteSupremacism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#misogyny #paternalism #sexism
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #libertarianism
Austinites join national protest against #Trump Administration
Demonstrators across the country are planning to participate in the "#50501Movement.
#AustinTexas — "On Wednesday, groups across the United States are preparing to shift an online movement in-person with planned protests against the Trump Administration.
"In Texas, Austin saw a group of protestors at the Capitol building on Wednesday morning, with many demonstrators holding signs and flags with phrases like, 'Trump is bad news' and '#SaveOurDemocracy.'
"This comes just days after a demonstration was organized in North Austin, where protestors gathered in response to President Donald Trump's immigration enforcement policies. Austin police later confirmed two arrests were made after the protests.
"Referred to as the 50501 movement, the demonstrations were organized 'by everyday people,' according to a group called #BuildTheResistance, which advocates for Americans to 'defend democracy against the Trump Administration's attempts to systematically dismantle the U.S. government.'
"The group is calling for 50 protests across all 50 states and has largely been organized with hashtags like #50501 and #BuildTheResistance. The demonstrations come in the wake of Trump's return to the White House, where he has since issued executive orders on immigration, tariffs on foreign countries and the U.S. Department of Education.
"Many of the protests are planned at state capitols, but some will be held in other cities, as well.
"The movement has websites and accounts across social media, including Instagram. The '50501movement page' has labeled itself the official Instagram account for the protests, posting fliers of events across the country.
"Some fliers directly address #Project2025, a political initiative by the #HeritageFoundation organized to build 'conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training,' according to the project's website."
Read more:
#Project2025 #50501Movement #50501Protests #ResistFascism #Resist #Resistance