Very scary piece about the rich behind christofascism at home in the UK

Very scary piece about the rich behind christofascism at home in the UK
...europäische politische Parteien wie #Spaniens #VOX und #Frankreichs #RassemblementNational.
...#ARC wird von der in den #Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ansässigen Investmentfirma #LegatumGroup und dem britischen Hedgefonds-Millionär #PaulMarshall unterstützt, denen gemeinsam der rechtsgerichtete Sender #GBNews gehört.
Ebenfalls für die #ARC-Konferenz angemeldet sind...
And here's an interesting titbit. #Farage works for #GBNews, the #FarRight propaganda outfit owned by one Sir #PaulMarshall.
Marshall also owns a #HedgeFund, which has just made *£5 million* through shorting #NatWest stock.
You know, the bank whose share price has gone through the floor because of Farage being an entitled wanker.
Funny thing, that.