I'm studying the Romans in Scotland at school, so today we dressed up as Roman soldiers and took a trip to the remains of the Antonine Wall where we met Silvanus!
I'm studying the Romans in Scotland at school, so today we dressed up as Roman soldiers and took a trip to the remains of the Antonine Wall where we met Silvanus!
A distance stone dating from the construction of the Roman Antonine Wall in what is now central Scotland. The upper one is a modern replica embedded in a sculpture of a Roman soldier at Lambhill Stables in Glasgow, while the lower one is the original which can be found in the city's Hunteriam Museum.
Looking out over the northern edge of the Roman Empire from the Lambhill Stables in Glasgow, or at least what was its northern edge between AD 142, when the Antonine Wall was constructed, and AD 162, when it was abandoned as the Romans pulled back to Hadrian's Wall.
Rough Castle Roman Fort, on one of the best preserved stretches of the Antonine Wall near Falkirk. It's a great place to appreciate what the wall was like: and, just possibly, was the origin of the story of King Arthur’s Camelot. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/falkirk/roughcastle/index.html
The bath house at Bar Hill Roman Fort, close to the Antonine Wall near Kilsyth and looking north over the Kelvin Valley to the Campsie Fells. The Antonine Wall was built from AD142 to 144 and marked the north-west frontier of the Roman empire. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/kirkintilloch/barhill/index.html
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In that spirit, check out this free ebook from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland - Bearsden: a Roman Fort on the Antonine Wall http://books.socantscot.org/digital-books/catalog/book/5
#Archaeology #Scotland #Roman #AntonineWall