We just soft-launched the #Kickstarter for our #SoupsOn album — a 4xLP of reimagined music from The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour.
I'll be doing a lot more hullabaloo about it very soon, but if you wanna get in on the ground floor, have a look: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twoguysrecords/soups-on-music-from-the-7th-guest-and-the-11th-hour-on-vinyl
We have a press kit here with some WIP music previews if you want to have a listen: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lReS0HGSf_j9r9Efxc_k-02AZPOnu7-w
@SQHistorian I gave the previews a listen. Then I backed it immediately. I am seriously loving what you're doing with #The7thGuest here! Such a great heavy sound for one of my favorite soundtracks.
@jeremyrdyer Thank you so much! We are having a great time mangling this iconic score. And we're super excited to see what happens when we add live bass and violin to the mixes! Right now, the WIP preview tracks have fake (VST) bass and violin. But that will change!
@SQHistorian Oh, that's gonna be awesome. Can't wait to hear it!
@jeremyrdyer Me, too. Our bass player cut his hand open in a hunting accident recently so he's been out of commission for a while — but he's recovering and will be ready to kick ass soon. He's played in a bunch of technical death metal bands so we know he's going to bring some extra gnarl for the tunes. :)