Bagged myself a bit of a prize: a Leisure Suit Larry 1 with all the original inserts, including the somewhat hard-to-come-by Lefty's napkin. Got a bit lucky with this one.
@SQHistorian Wow! Unicorns come along occasionally. I got this the other day which I’m so happy about. It’s a good feeling.
@SQHistorian Now you just need the Magna Cum Laude promotional condom and single rubber glove!
@richardcobbett This will not happen.
@SQHistorian I love the disks!! They're not your bog standard Sierra "Half Dome photo with typewriter print" labels. Very cool.
@SQHistorian Very nice find!
I'm not at all jealous
@Liquidream I hope to have Mr. Al Lowe blow his nose in it this year and make it really special.