So excited to announce this: My band Error 47 got permission from George "The Fat Man" Sanger to do an album of reworked music from The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour!
Full announcement text:
Original score on The Fat Man's Bandcamp:
@SQHistorian Awesome! And congratulations! It'll be an instant buy when you release it.
May I ask if you broached the subject of a Putt-Putt or Freddi Fish cover, perhaps? :)
@madmoose Thank you! I've never actually played the Freddi Fish or Putt-Putt games, so I don't feel I could do them proper justice. Although I do like the subversive irony of turning children's games music into dark industrial-rock.
@SQHistorian I was (mostly) joking :)
The games are great though, I didn't play them when they came out but I played them with my children when they were younger. The Pajama Sam and Spy Fox games were personal favorites.
@madmoose Never say never. :)