** I stopped posting new stories to X/Twitter last autumn, but have kept my account, and the thousands of stories I have written since 2013 are still available.
That will soon end. In the next couple of weeks, I'll try to upload my archive to the Internet Archive, then delete all my stories from X/Twitter.
If you know someone who only follows me there, please help them follow me elsewhere.
@MicroSFF I need to delete all my tweets.
First I need/want to write the text of them out/screenshot them for my blog and collections on there. So many tweets. It'll take so long :(
@noodlemaz You can request a backup of your account. This will contain all your tweets and photos, among other things, in a compressed zip file.
The tweets are in JSON format, so you can see them in a text editor.(Or write, or get a friendly programmer to write a script to convert them to HTML. I wrote my own, but that is very specific to my needs.)
@MicroSFF @noodlemaz would you be willing to share your script for converting them to HTML? I've been meaning to write my own, and might be useful to see yours
@ada_ada_ada @noodlemaz Er... Mine is actually a full C# desktop application, with filters, tagging, removing duplicates (typo-correcting posts replacing earlier), joining multi-tweet stories, and now also the ability to import Mastodon archives and merge with Twitter archives, and multiple html templates to export to.
I'll stick it up on GitHub with a MIT licence once I've polished it up a bit and fixed some bugs, but that won't happen soon.
@MicroSFF @noodlemaz Ah okay, that sounds a bit more complex than what I'm looking for. Thanks anyway!