helvede.net is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Velkommen til Helvede, fediversets hotteste instance! Vi er en queerfeministisk server, der shitposter i den 9. cirkel. Welcome to Hell, We’re a DK-based queerfeminist server. Read our server rules!

Server stats:

active users

Sissyfos :zazzy:

TOMORROW there's NØISE at @amok with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM from Germany, TERRIBLE NEWS from Cph. and a mysterious coverband I was recruited to this week.
Donation-based entrance. Safer space policy. Cheap bar.
Rosenkrantzgade 1.B. 17:45-22:45.
:anarch: :antifa: 🍸