- and you know why it's also all men? Because not a single one of us has never been in the company of other men & let one or more of them get away with talking or acting like a misogynist creep.
Not a single one of us.
And no, Hero McLanternjaw, this is not about DeFeNDiNg WoMEn - you're not in a movie. This is about inventing a baseline of manliness where the social cost of being a fucking creep is insurmountable.
Yes, inventing, because so far it doesn't exist.
I had that knee-jerk reaction to "all men" when I first heard it. I get it now, but I had to spend time imagining what it's like for women in order to move past it. Now, I see the women's position first. Their fears are valid.
That reaction is an indication that we men still have deconditioning to do.
And I could do better, but I'm trying.