I'm the Mud Wizard
Ich bin der Mönch von Lützerath
Please, share it everywhere
So few people know that I wrote a 9-page statement to the German judge. Let's be our own media. For lützerath, for mud!
I'm the Mud Wizard
Ich bin der Mönch von Lützerath
Please, share it everywhere
So few people know that I wrote a 9-page statement to the German judge. Let's be our own media. For lützerath, for mud!
"The German state is falling into the mud."
Der Mönch von Lützerath
1/5 The prosecutor's requisition - representing the will of the State - was for 8 months' imprisonment.
If this hadn't been a complicated case for the German authorities, the appeal would have been launched as soon as the verdict was announced. Because there's a huge difference between 8 months' imprisonment and a fine.
So why the silence?
Der Mönch von Lützerath
Ich werde 1000€ spenden, für jede Person, die an diesem Tag wegen der Polizei im Krankenhaus war.
Weitere Informationen folgen bald.
After the repression, the response.
Keep up the fight, make the invisible visible.
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der das Internet das Zusammentreffen von Ideen möglich macht, aber die Menschen begnügen sich damit, sich ihre Meinung auf der Grundlage dessen zu bilden, was die Mainstream-Medien sagen.
Der Mönch von Lützerath
An intense article on the monk of Lützerath!
A huge thank you to Mr Mondialisation for this interview, which I was able to reread and even revisit to enlarge it without limit. It's very precious to have these independent media, very important that they exist. To avoid stigmatization, where the traditional media compartmentalize and reduce ideas.
#Mudwizard #Lutzerath #Lützerath #MönchvonLützerath @MrMondialisation
Soon, I'll be able to start donating 1,000 € to each person who was hospitalized as a result of the police violence that day in Lützerath. I'm in contact with local activist networks in this area.
And since the courts never deliver justice when it comes to police violence, I'll compensate these invisible people. I will share their story, the story of the wounded victims for which the media and authorities show little empathy.
The Mud Wizard continues to act.
No prosecutor can jail the Mud Wizard,
They fear the mud.
Search "Mud Wizard Give"
Google / Duckduckgo or whatever
Simple, basic
Or in my profile bio
Thanks a lot to @antidotezine for sharing my statement I read in front of the judge !
As well as good old interview passages and relaying the crowdfunding.
This small English media did a better job than 99% of the German media on this case.
Jesus could walk on water & turning water into wine.
Der Mönch von Lützerath can walk on muddy water and turn repression into solidarity with those injured by the police.
I'll be able to give money to the people who were in hospital because of the police that day! Keep sharing! To the moon!
Die kleinen Geschichten des Mönchs von Lützerath
Kapitel II - "You can't appeal, the mud's won."
Die kleinen Geschichten des Mönchs von Lützerath
Kapitel I - "Call for donations"
@contraste 2/3
Katja Einsfelds Interview mit einer anarchistischen Gruppe, Gisela Notz’ Artikel über die Anarchistin Federica Montseny und Peter Nowaks Artikel „Punk meets Klassenkampf“. Ans Herz legen möchte ich Euch außerdem das „Grüne Scheinlösungen“-Interview mit Kathrin Hartmann, Antonia Grecos Prozessbericht „ ‚Der Mönch von Lützerath‘ vor Gericht“ #MudWizard
#GWR496 #graswurzelrevolution #graswurzelrevolutionzeitschrift
Who will be able to decrypt my coded message? :P
source : https://www.rtl.de/videos/moench-von-luetzerath-67a38fe15cff4f0719054303.html
After a maximum risk of 5 years' imprisonment for violence against a police officer, today the German state, represented by the public prosecutor, wanted to sentence me to 8 months' imprisonment. But the judge gave me a penalty of 140 days fines and legal costs of the trial. We still have no idea how much really it is right now. But we will know soon !
I'm very happy! I hope the prosecutor won't appeal,1 week of waiting and we'll know!
I'm facing 5 years in prison for pushing a policeman into the mud and footkicking another who was charging. The video of the scene went viral.
Feel free to check out my profile for other infos! My 9-page statement in bio in german / french and english.
Thanks for your attention
Please share my statement and spread it ! I explain some self-organise radical non-violent tactics we can try to use in protest !
Mud Wizard
Eines Tages kam Frau A. dann auf die grandiose Idee, dass wir doch einen großen Event für den #MudWizard auf einem Hof in den sogenannten "Zukunftsdörfern" veranstalten sollten. Am besten sehr schnell und das müsste in den nächsten 4 Wochen geschehen.
Na gut, okay, ich entwickle eine Kampangne dafür, ein Konzept, spreche mit allen Beteiligten, mache Social Media Arbeit, ein Fotoshooting, fahre mit meinem nicht vorhandenen Geld durch die Welt um das Möglichste Realität werden zu lassen.