Kahdesta leikkauksesta tuskallisen hitaasti toivuskellessa huomasin täyttyneen kaksi vuotta Mastodontissa. Edellinen vuosikatsaukseni oli tuossa: https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/111526797205858103.
Poissaolo on lisääntynyt ja resonanssi harventunut. Ehkä olemme kasvamassa erilleen, tai minä vain vähenen?
Jokin algoritmi tyrkytti yhtä liepeellistä toottiani jollain tapaa merkittäväksi. Oli päässyt "listalle" tehostuksista. Omasta vinkkelistäni nostaisin esille seuraavat kontribuutioyritykseni tältä vuodelta:
Ketju kognitiiviseen sodankäyntiin (CW) liittyen, artikkeleita pureskellen ja linkkaillen, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/112409631517968878
Kevään tuoman elämän hämmentävyydestä ja kantavuudesta ensimmäisessä kotipihassa remontti-kurimuksien välissä, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/112512391439728248
Ketju remontti-evakkoiluumme liittyen, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/112616258586030440
Isosta SEP-päivityksestä ympäristö-estetiikasta, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/112978216717147263
Linkkaus SEP-uutuuteen doksastisesta voluntarismista, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/113327258215539518
Tuoreimpina linkkaukset Sari Valton radio-ohjelmaan ylenmääräisen itsensä paapomisen haitallisuudesta, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/113550725837456004, sekä Ylen mainioon Jyri Kosolan haastatteluun sotimisen kehittymisestä, https://mementomori.social/@Lupposofi/113412884177147396
Normaalitilan suhteen tähtäimeni on ensi vuoden puolella, ja on aivan mahdollista, että sellaista ei enää tule. Instanssin nimeen viitaten, Memento mori, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_mori
#recap #mastodon #vuosi #tootit #sitrep #katsaus #2 yrs in Mastodon #merkitys #significance #import #mementoMori #lookBack
@GrapheneOS but they won't because integrating #Govware #Backdoors that are exploitable is what keeps them in business and allows for #Export & #Import in markets like #Russia, #SaudiArabia and others with #Cyberfacist rules.
The only way #GrapheneOS is not going to get #shafted (i.e. licensed #MacintoshClones like #PowerComputing did when #SteveJobs took over Apple) is by basically not being dependent on Google's "benevolence" and instead collaborate with other vendors.
-Maybe @frameworkcomputer would be interested in doing a secure #Abmndroid-based #Smartphone that is actually repairable?
IDK but this will require a longterm strategic decision, as "bitchin' about it" won't change anything...
Why #African #Homophobia is Still the Real #Western #Import.
African #political #leaders and #religious #zealots (both #Christian and #Muslim) have used #homophobia as a #tool for #political and #religious #power for many years.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Africa #Religion #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #EmptyThePews #ChristianDarkMoney #ExportingHate
Now Symmetrical! - Inkscape Update, May 4th 2024
@kyivindependent #Armenia is in a difficult spot, they want to get new reliable partners in the #west and at the same time they are benefiting economically by being a transit country for #fascist #russia #alternative #import
Would've skimmed right over this one had it not been for the #Erdtree in the background
A new novel series based on #EldenRing from the player's perspective.
#ShadowoftheErdtree #エルデンリング #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #GotY #Gamer #Gaming #DarkSouls #DemonsSouls #SoulsBorne #Bloodborne #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Import #Japanese #EldenRingShadowOfTheErdtree #FromSoftware
@ItsThatDeafGuy It's not for me. I've moved to a friend's #Pixelfed #instance (although I'm still trying to figure out some issues there, like managing the #import of my #Instagram archive, which is still not done, or figuring out why the mobile site won't let me upload photos from my phone).
@pixelfed @dansup Heya, I wanted to check with you if there is any way to manually find out which images failed the #Instagram archive #import? And possibly to figure out why they failed? And any errors I could try to find and possibly report to you, if this will help?
OK, I give up with the @pixelfed #Instagram archive #import.
It sometimes breaks and only imports X photos, but other photos I had selected are no longer available for selection, because it somehow thinks it's imported them too. No idea where and why it fails, and I think it will be easier for my sanity to manually import them into #Pixelfed, even if this doesn't keep their original dates.
Great feature to have though, I did import many photos. Just don't know which ones didn't make it...
Ah, so I thought that only the @pixelfed #Instagram archive #import didn't support #WEBP format, but it's actually #Pixelfed in general that still doesn't.
Should I convert my old images to a compatible format? Will I lose quality if I do that?
Or should I wait until Pixelfed supports WEBP?
@pixelfed Hola :) I'm still playing around with the #Instagram archive #import into my #Pixelfed account, and I was wondering - is #location data something that depends on the setup of the particular #instance, or is the import not getting that (yet)?
I also tried to edit the location of a few posts, but it won't actually find anything, no matter what I input in the search field.
cc: @mraiur
Lauscht mein Smartphone heimlich mit? (ccchh-extras)
Digitale Selbstverteidung (CCCHH) - Lauschende Smartphones - Überwachungskapitalismus
Gestern im Café über den nächsten Urlaub gesprochen und heute auffällig viel Werbung für All-Inclusive am Mittelm
https://media.ccc.de/v/ccchh-extras-56164-lauscht-mein-smartpho #ccc #import #56164 #2023