Just remembered - apropos of nothing - that this gem existed: ...
And has been existing out there for more than a decade now. Same as me being Laura (came out "as a girl" a little over 10 years ago, too, nowadays~)
And lo and behold, stuff that happens in Japan usually hit us here in Europe with it's own new odd [re-] incarnations about a decade later as always
#happyhardcore #trance #solarpunk DJ Tanuki
My best guess at the closest danish incarnation of this is ever so slightly less urbane ~> take a peek at this "e-flyer" for a bygone pirate party in Copenhagen outskirts while it's still up ~> https://prygl.nu/standardprygl
Now I wonder ... If "DJ Shego" is anywhere to be found here on the fediverse already. If that is indeed the name of the ultra-turbo-superoverhyperactive kid who mashed a gazellion different [something-faster]-core bek da fash da lush tracks together at going towards infitity BPM or smth next to te also rather odd and funny DJ John Nøgle towards the end of the rave...