The sad thing about this map is that it's wrong. The sections in yellow in the US have a top speed of 150 MPH (241 km/h) so the US should be shown with no high speed rail on this map
The sad thing about this map is that it's wrong. The sections in yellow in the US have a top speed of 150 MPH (241 km/h) so the US should be shown with no high speed rail on this map
It looks like visible effects of competition are now happening on French high-speed lines: SNCF is now offering tickets up 9 months ahead (until December 13th) on competitive lines:
This is pushed by Trenitalia opening tickets 6 months ahead (until September 11th today) on Paris-Marseille:
You absolutely have to stop posting about good things on a platform where Elon Musk sees it! This is suicidal!
@larstransportworld That’s a great map (and definitely all due credit to France), but it’s also a very depressing reminder that, over 40 years since the #LGV network started, the •entirety• of the #UK #HighSpeedRail network still fits in a corner of the French map!
(Haphazard progress is being made on a savagely truncated #HS2 route, and at least we do have fairly extensive #MediumSpeedRail (200 km/h max) service on many InterCity routes, but it is beyond ridiculous that UK is so far behind.)
Withholding appropriated #California #HighSpeedRail funds under false pretenses would be illegal and unconstitutional, but nonetheless, it would also be hurting jobs and infrastructure for hundreds of thousands of #Trump & MAGA voters.
I drew a line approximating the CAHSR initial operating segment over the 2024 county-by-county presidential electoral map. De-railing this project is sticking it to Trump's own base, not coastal liberal elites.
Ever since Elon Musk's "Hyperloop" con, he has been trying to delay and kill of High Speed Rail in America in order to sell more Teslas.
We are going to finish this project whether Musk likes it or not.
While our southern neighbors' late-stage capitalism autocrats are busy speedrunning the sabotage of their country and trying to bully my country as collateral, up here we're having a “F' it, enough debates, let's launch our own high-speed inter-city rail infrastructure project to serve 40% of the population and boost the local economy” moment
Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled after elections in Q4
@straphanger This is amazing news! A no-brainer for a long time (does this mean that 70% of all Canadians will live within an hour of this line?), and one where I’ve always wondered why there were no plans already.
PM Trudeau just announced that a 3-hour high speed rail between Toronto and Quebec City is to begin!
This should have been built 20 years ago, still, depending on the fare price, it could be a real game-changer in terms of reducing car and jet emissions.
Let's hope they decide to stretch it all the way to Halifax.
Well holy high speed rail Batman, they’re building it!!
Initial planning cost of $4 Billion, final construction of the 1000km, 300kph line between Toronto and Quebec City could be up to the cost of 4 #TMX pipelines. ($80B).
Montreal to Toronto in 3hrs.
A large consortium is the winning bid and includes France’s SNCF and Air Canada.
#canpoli #highspeedrail #rail #transport #toronto #quebec #endfossilfuels #climateAction
Dear Elon,
We have strong regulation in the #EU, and built 2744 km of #highspeedrail in 10 years. Our network is now 8556 km long. In the same period, the US built 0 km of High-Speed Rail.
Perhaps it's not about regulation.
The cost of this one (horrific) instance of wildfires in Los Angeles will be more than the total cost of building high speed rail from LA to San Francisco.
That is under the current, incredibly inefficient, construction regime designed to funnel public money into private hands.
Don't buy the lie that it's too expensive.
Build a network of standardised #HighSpeedRail lines across the continent.
Support #green policies that directly benefit citizens (reliable, regular, cheap, quality #transit; #BikeLanes; support for purchasing #HeatPumps and insulation etc...) rather than punish them.
Elon Musk has been trying to kill California’s high-speed rail project for over a decade. It’s the only reason he started pushing the Hyperloop as an alternative.
Now he’s planning to use his influence with Trump to ensure its federal funding gets cut off.
@straphanger In comparison to the #Supermétro in #Paris , the #Hyperloop prototyped by #ElonMusk could probably shuttle dozens of #billionaires per day between #LosAngeles and #LasVegas.
I much prefer the coming #BrightlineWest #HighspeedRail that is part of the infrastructure accomplishments of a not-made-for-TV #POTUS. #ThanksJoeBiden !
Since Trump runs on ego more than anything, what if we convinced him to build a national High-Speed Rail network and allowed him to call it "Trump Rail" (if that is what it takes).
I love that Latvia (with a pop. of 1.8 mil) is getting proper high speed rail before the UK (~70 mil people). Not sure if HS1 counts if it’s easier to exit the country to France than it is to get around the U.K. itself. #transit #transport #trains #europe #highspeedrail
Australia plans 1,700km high-speed rail to connect east coast’s swelling population #Australia #AustraliaPolitics #HighSpeedRail #RailNews
“Problemen op de hogesnelheidslijn en een stationsrenovatie zit de internationale treinreiziger in de weg. Zonder duidelijke afspraken moet Eurostar de treindiensten schrappen, schrijft ceo Gwendoline Cazenave.” #highspeedrail