ASMR - The geeky way!
Here is #BigClive presenting
"The CURSE of white LEDs"
ASMR - The geeky way!
Here is #BigClive presenting
"The CURSE of white LEDs"
"The City of Milwaukee has two different types of street lighting circuits; Series Circuits and Multiple Circuits... All eligible street lights will be upgraded to LED by 2026. This will make Milwaukee 60% brighter at night. LED lights also decrease carbon emissions using only 50-60% of the electricity of non-LED fixtures."
Join Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) as they chat with Debra Ansell( @geekmomprojects ) about finding friends and exchanging neat gifts, accidentally tricking people into making unmanufacutable boards, and happy, blinking lights.
Check out the show's transcript here:
Debra Ansell( @geekmomprojects ) joined us to talk about finding friends and exchanging neat gifts, accidentally tricking people into making unmanufacutable boards, and happy, blinking lights.
Take a listen here:
Can someone please make a run of these, or something a bit more modest, and sell it please?
I have money I want you to take.
A fluid simulation pendant:
#physics #watch #jewelry #maker #geek #LED #ARM #Cortex-M4 #wearable #demo #toy #blinkenlights #fluiddynamics #fluids #simulation #gear #tech #blog #video
Gestern übrigens so einen coolen #Eingangsbereich bei unseren Kund:innen gesehen.
Made a little video of us polishing up this collaborative, We Are Magic sculpture for two upcoming traveling exhibitions. We are, Alicia Eggert, James Akers (myself), Jason Mishou, and Marco Buongiorno Nardelli. The four of us met at Alicia's studio in Denton, Texas to work all in the same room. Its actually the first time we have all met up, and its been a real treat!
Maybe you don't get the sense in the video, but there are numerous instances of feeling like it cannot crescendo any more, and it still does- until it climaxes, generating a barrage of blinky lights and generative vowel soungs.
The installation is activated by touching the hand pedestal, and holding hands with someone else touching the other hand pedestal. Each time the sculpture is activated it looks and sounds different.
Next stop, Urbanglass NYC!
With USB PD support, it's easy to plug the board into a USB C laptop power supply that can provide 20V at up to 5A - even though it's under 24V, we've found the LEDs are just as bright. Looks great, we're going to keep testing and get these boards ordered, hopefully before the year's end!
In artist Jun Ong’s luminous installations, rays of light pierce through concrete, stone, and steel.
I got this cool little GeekMagic Crystal Display unit that lets you rotate a few images or animGIFs uploaded to it. Right now it's doing No Man's Sky duty on the Mac's monitor shelf.
Pretty slick!
I finished the LED board, finally! Fun holiday fiddling-about. Thanks for offering up the kit, @MuseumJoe
Because clearly I don’t have a hundred other things to do, I decided satiate my craving for a Hamilton PSR for the time being (no pun intended) with the much less expensive option of creating a custom watch face for my Apple Watch.
Update: You can download the Clockology .clock file here:
You’ll need the Clockology app (the watch face isn’t a real watch face, it’s an app, because Apple doesn’t allow custom watch faces because Apple’s business model is gatekeeping).
I’m not sure if that contains the font used. If not, it’s this:
Oooft, its fun and games getting the #soldering iron into an awkward place where its more hassle to move the item needing soldered than moving the iron to the location.
Anyway, re-soldered a broken connection in an #LED string while being paranoid not to burn myself as I was stretching a bit and at an unusual angle.
Tis fixed now.
@MuseumJoe Got the Apple logo RGB kit together -- very nice! It's very bright. Is there a simple way to lower the brightness of the LEDs - say, a potentiometer or variable resistor between the power input and the board, or would that require replacing all of the resistors?
I might also look at smoked plexiglass mounted in front, as an approach, but wanted to check.
That rainbow Apple logo LED kit (WIP) might just be _too_ bright...
"My God, that's [the soldering master equivalent of] Jason Bourne."
Melting vias and dancing around them. (I said earlier I couldn't find my good soldering iron...)