Hey folks, massive thank you to everyone who has reached out to me over the past 24 hours.
I've not fully recovered from last week but the quiet restful days were needed. I am still not 100% sure I am ready for the whole people thing, but hey, I'm back online at least, well, I have been online, just not been able to do the socialising thing.
As always, Saturday involved a day out with bookshops, a beach, coffee and cheese n ham filled croissants. Friday, Sunday and today have involved light chores, some tapestry and some gaming, the quiet days have been needed.
Tomorrow I'm off to Glasgow to see Six! and stay in a hotel. I meet an old twitter friend for drinks tomorrow too - I have met him before but not seen him for a few years, it will be good to catch up! Then on Wednesday I see my niece before I head home, again, not seen her for a couple of years, so I can't wait, she is one of the best and its always a comfort to see her and see how well she is doing in life, I am so damn proud of her.
So I might not be around much for a few days yet, or I might spam loads of pics from Glasgow.
Take care folks, hug your loved ones, check in with friends and try not to get overwhelmed with the constant news, its okay to switch off and take some time for you.