Also a couple of sadder ones for #ThickTrunkTuesday from #StormEowyn
Also a couple of sadder ones for #ThickTrunkTuesday from #StormEowyn
The roof is damaged and in need of urgent repairs. A victim of Storm Éowyn. That was over two weeks ago and I cannot seem to get anyone to move their arse on this. Policy Expert and Trinity Claims are utterly useless in an emergency it seems. Local roofer was happy to help, but went silent after their initial ground level inspection. Ffs
In the aftermath of #StormÉowyn thanks to crews from Austria, Finland, France, the UK, Germany, Netherlands and Norway still working hard to restore power to homes, farms, schools and businesses. Here’s to European co-operation in a time of need!
Mr Clubber has the latest on our post #stormeowyn fun #cats #fedicats #CatsOfMastodon
BBC News: New images show scale of storm impact on forests
I'm baaaaaaack. Five days of no electricity and heat, 7 days without internet (almost lost a badly needed job project over that), landline is still down (mobile phone cover +/-0 where I live). That was one hell of a week, mostly though because a dear friend died on Monday amidst the total blackout. My heart goes out to all those in warzones who deal with this for months or years, whilst having bombs falling on their heads. #stormeowyn
It’s been a week since the storm but we still have multiple staff without power, water or internet.
Just because you’re “fine” doesn’t mean others aren’t still dealing with the impact of #StormÉowyn
Day seven of #stormeowyn
A week with no power now.
Fridge and freezer are starting to smell bad. I wonder if frozen vegetables would still be ok to cook?
Meat and dairy will be thrown away.
Lucky we have a gas hob running from a cannister.
The government want to ban gas and fossil fuels but without them in this situation we would not survive.
After 5½ days, our electricity supply has been restored! Water came back a day earlier, when a generator was set up at the local pump house that sends water uphill to the houses up here. Now to warm the house (8⁰C indoors is too cold), replace the fridge/freezer contents, and enjoy how luxurious simple normal life is. #StormEowyn
Our electrical power was restored last night, thankfully, so we're creeping back to a semblance of normality. Until the next big storm.
Still tens of thousands without power and water. Ireland's infrastructural deficits and government apathy towards climate breakdown are finally in the spotlight. Would be nice to think it might change a few minds in positions of influence, but experience invites cynicism.
Repairing storm-damaged roofs and chimneys on Glasgow's traditional tenements requires some serious cranage!
[22:00] Schools face further disruption as ESB efforts continue to reconnect 180,000 homes and businesses
Some schools in the areas worst hit by Storm Éowyn may have to resort to remote learning because of disruption to power and water supplies as well as structural damage to buildings.
Apparently restoring power and water to our area could now take until Feb 5 (!), so we'll be moving into a short term town rental for a while, and why have one landlord when you can have two? #StormEowyn
We’ve been without power for more than 51 hrs. We’re now looking at power being restored by midnight on the 28th. We are managing with the wood burning stove and candles.
People have been lovely. Had lunch with a friend… super food, a refreshing dog walk and great discussions.
We can do this - going for the long haul. Work tomorrow and a chance to charge the car. #StormEowyn #PowerCut #scotland
This is what peak recharging performance looks like
This morning, we have light, but no lights.
Breakfast, day three without power - due to be back on by Midnight tonight according to the SPEN website.
Although not normally used as a toaster, this is the stove we cook on everyday (even when the power is on) and we are perfectly safe. The rest of the house is freezing, but this room is nicely warm.
#StormEowyn #PowerCut #RuralLife #Scotland
We're safe and sound from #StormÉowyn - the two casualties for our place were external - the shed roof and the Sky dish. We can see the shed roof two fields over.
Power was out for about 40 hours. Have some new tips to add to our prepper list when I've more brainspace tomorrow. We're really lucky, some people elsewhere in the county it's estimated will have no power till the 31st. Phone signal/data very intermittent, no broadband or tv. Yellow warning tomorrow. Hope #MastoDaoine are doing well!
Now at 38 hours without power and water due to #StormEowyn, it appears service will take another 54 hours to resume, sigh. It's super nice to live in the countryside, but this will make 8 days without power and water since April.