"The best time to get started with a personal website was in 1995 . The second best time is today!"
Scrolls, volume seven
by @shellsharks

"The best time to get started with a personal website was in 1995 . The second best time is today!"
Scrolls, volume seven
by @shellsharks
You can subscribe to my #newsletter for free. In addition to links to my writing and short essays, I plan to include recommendations of zines, articles and other uaeful resources for these strange times.
Get yours: https://kitoconnell.com/mailinglist/
#GonzoNotes: As we slide into Spring, I find myself at a bit of a turning point. I’ve been out of work and freelancing for just over a year now, without luck at finding a permanent position to replace the Texas Observer. Unemployment just ran out. So it’s time for me to take stock of myself, and the industry.
Over the past year, I’ve found success as a freelance reporter, and grown my readership on sites like Bluesky. At the same time, my job search has been fruitless; the closest I got to being hired over the past year was at an environmental nonprofit, not at a press publication. Despite all my accomplishments, I’ve averaged less than one job interview a month. Unemployment helped me make ends meet between assignments, but it also forced me to spend time applying for jobs I didn’t actually want.
I still hope that someday I’ll find a home at another publication that values queer, opinionated voices like mine. However, I’m starting to feel like that role might not exist right now. In the meantime, there are still stories I need to tell.
Read more in my #newsletter: https://kitoconnell.com/gonzo-notes-whats-up-kit-march-2025/
#journalism #media #trans #transphobia #LGBTQIA+ #politics #USpol #cats
This Week in Self-Hosted (14 March 2025)
@homeassistant #Matter support, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #Cups -- a #container update monitoring platform, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
I love my email client because I've set all my emails to Plain text view and haven't looked back since. I also never have to see badly formatted newsletters again! Now, I get emails that say this, which is honestly more than fine by me! I'd rather get this then some badly formatted email.
However, your email software can't display HTML emails. You can view the newsletter by clicking here:
Much cleaner reading experience now!
It's been a year since the Texas Observer laid me off, and journalism is in shambles. I reflected on my career and the industry in my newsletter, Gonzo Notes, which is out tomorrow.
Subscribe for free here: https://kitoconnell.com/mailinglist/
(Edit: Read the latest here ... https://kitoconnell.com/2025/03/14/gonzo-notes-whats-up-kit-march-2025/ )
@dangillmor Not to forget #Steady with seat in Germany and therefore completely compliant with the strict EU digital laws, and US-free:
It's great for people without big technical knowledge, I use it for years. And it's more than a newsletter - you can build your community and integrate podcasts. Or run your WP website with your Steady paywall or buttons.
Petit rappel pour ceux qui n’utilisent pas de lecteur #RSS .
Les billets de mon blog sont disponibles par mail sous forme de deux newsletters différentes : une en anglais, une en français. Il faut s’abonner aux deux si vous voulez tous mes billets.
Les emails sont, bien évidemment garantis sans tracker (c’est moi qui génère le code de l’email) et les adresses ne sont jamais réutilisées.
„Seien Sie versichert, das wird alles wieder.“ Er machte eine wegwerfende Geste. „Gehen Sie es einfach ein paar Tage ruhiger an.“
„Entspannen Sie sich. Ruhen Sie aus.“
Sneakpeak #Arztroman
alle Rechte (c) bei mir
Von der Veröffentlichung erfährst du als erstes in meinem #Newsletter: https://texteundtee.at
Jetzt lassen Sie mich noch in Ihre Ohren gucken. Vielleicht ist etwas mit dem Gleichgewichtssinn. Wäre zwar ungewöhnlich, aber … “ Er nahm ein Gerät, das Vergrößerungsglas und Lampe in einem war und sah in beide Ohren. „Sieht alles bestens aus. Frau Diplomingenieur, gratuliere – Sie strotzen vor Gesundheit.“
Sneakpeak #Arztroman
alle Rechte (c) bei mir
Von der Veröffentlichung erfährst du als erstes in meinem #Newsletter: https://texteundtee.at
„Also, für mich sieht das nicht weiter schlimm aus. Es könnte eine kleine Gehirnerschütterung sein, aber das gibt sich mit ein paar Tagen Ruhe.“
Ruhe. Haha.
Danach sah er sich ihre Schulter an. „Alles in bester Ordnung“, sagte er schließlich. „Eine Prellung und ein harmloser Bluterguss.
Sneakpeak #Arztroman
alle Rechte (c) bei mir
Von der Veröffentlichung erfährst du als erstes in meinem #Newsletter: https://texteundtee.at
„Sehen wir uns einmal die Wirbelsäule an.“
„Wir? Sie sind gut. Meine Augen reichen nie bis da hin.“
„Ich erledige das schon.“ Dr. Navratil strich mit einem Finger sachte von oben nach unten über Romanas Wirbel. „Hier kann ich kein Problem erkennen. Ihre Haltung ist nicht gerade Prinzessinnenstil, aber das -“
„- ist eine Folge meines Berufs. Ich weiß.“
alle Rechte (c) bei mir
Von der Veröffentlichung erfährst du als erstes in meinem #Newsletter: https://texteundtee.at
Sneakpeak #Arztroman
„Sie gehen gerade, das ist doch schön. Und jetzt mal auf einem Bein stehen.“
Uff, das war gar nicht so leicht. Romana musste mit einer Hand nach Halt tasten.
„Wie fühlen Sie sich jetzt?“
„Unfähig.“ Sie stellte den linken Fuß auch wieder ab.
„Scherzen können Sie also noch.“ Der Doktor grinste.
alle Rechte (c) bei mir
Von der Veröffentlichung erfährst du als erstes in meinem #Newsletter: https://texteundtee.at
I just sent out my latest newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe, you can do it here.
All new subscribers get a four-book bundle of my books called Starters. I don't send one very often so it's a low-level commitment.
The March #syslog_ng #newsletter is now available on-line:
* Test syslog-ng on #EPEL 10!
* Collecting #OneIdentity #ActiveRoles logs centrally using the syslog-ng #Windows Agent
* syslog-ng OSE 4.8.1 is now in EPEL 10, quick fix for #Elasticsearch
Book Promotion: Sign-up to my bi-monthly newsletter and download five (5!) free fantasy, SF or steampunk novellas (if you want them).
The newsletters aren't just about me and always include other book promotions. #goodbooks #adventure #bookstodon #amreading #action #fedibookfair #fantasy #mystery #readers #newsletter #scifi #reader #steampunk (605b) https://www.subscribepage.com/voidships?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Did you know my mailing list is FREE and 100% free of Substack?
Subscribe here and I'll keep you up to date on my writing and other some political analysis too: https://kitoconnell.com/mailinglist/
Thank you for your patience as we've taken a few steps back to evaluate our approach to communication in the context of, well, everything.
We are standing on a precipice, or so, at least, it seems. There is a shattering occurring of what we deem "normal" to be, and what happens next will depend largely on how we choose to relate to instability and uncertainty, and what we choose to do about it.
Rancho de la Libertad stands on this precipice, gathering materials to build a bridge to a yet-unknown other side. We are continuing to take steps towards building a sovereign community insulated from geopolitical and climate instability, insofar as we can be. We wish to nourish, provide space and sanctuary for, and educate our community and those who join our community from afar - to empower and enable all of us with the skills we will need to establish distributed networks, remain safe, feed and house ourselves, and thrive.
By the end of this week I hope to release a website and free newsletter offering, but also a paid subscription that will help support this project. While we may keep this account, it will not be very active. We are trying to rigorously protect our energy and time so that we can focus on real direct action, while simultaneously ensuring we maintain communication with our community and those interested in our mission. Creating one central source of contact feels like the best way, at this time, to build and maintain relationships and community.
Stay tuned for the release in a few days with more information about what we're offering our community at this time. If you'd like to send me your email to be added manually in advance, you can send it to ranchodelalibertad@protonmail.com.
Be safe, and don't forget to take a few steps back from your online spaces to check in and be present alongside your regional community.
The most recent newsletter has gone out.