Long Covid Is Costing The US Billions Of Dollars And Yet We Do Nothing
Long Covid Is Costing The US Billions Of Dollars And Yet We Do Nothing
Most interesting detail: "we detected the virus passing from one sinus at the peak of infection to the other a few days later"
Model animals: "cynomolgus macaques"
They also evaluated "two convalescent animals [...] exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant three months prior" and found "no major uptake by the nasal cavity" but "detection of the PET signal for SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen up to three months post initial infection in the lungs and brains"
"local accumulation [...] in areas of the brain [...] consistent with previous findings of neuroinflammation in humans infected with SARS-CoV-2 and in rhesus macaques up to six weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The localized crossing of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by the radiotracer in convalescent animals can be explained by thrombo-inflammation previously reported in patients with active long-COVID."
h/t @EricCarroll
New Data Just In From Walgreens On Covid And Flu Positivity Rates
“We’ve suspected for several years now that there is an association between COVID and POTS. I’m seeing this in my own clinic. My waiting list is longer than it has ever been,” said Dr. Blair Grubb, a UToledo Health cardiologist who has treated and studied POTS for more than three decades. “Now we have the data to back that up. This study helps give validity and voice to these patients, and it gives us a treatable target.”
Whole-body visualization of #SARSCoV2 biodistribution in vivo by immunoPET imaging in non-human primates
> Convalescent animals exhibit a persistent [89Zr]COVA1-27-DFO PET signal in the lungs, as well as in the brain, three months following infection.
From the US:
Altered auditory brainstem responses are post-acute sequela of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC)
From the latest Science for ME weekly update
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
US Wastewater Trends Show A Rise For Covid And Another Type Of Flu
As more States attempt to enact mask bans & Trump continues to dismantle public health, it becomes increasingly clear that we’re on our own.
Masks should be mandatory in healthcare, yet you will often see more patients masking than healthcare workers.
My guide to avoiding hospital acquired COVID
Covid Has Really Been Worse Than We Knew About This Whole Time
#FYI #USA #MicrobeTV #TWiV #ThisWeekInVirology #infectiousdiseases #polio #Sudandisease #measles #avianflu #birdflu #influenza #covid19 #covid #sarscov2 #vaccinate #vaccines #DanielGriffin #VincentRacaniello
TWIV 1202: Weekly clinical update by Dr. Griffin and Vincent Racaniello
New Data From The CDC Confirms That Covid Is Rising In Some US Regions
| Corona zwischen Aufarbeitung und Verschwörungstheorie
Bernd Harder mit einem kleinen Medienspiegel über den aktuellen Stand der Aufarbeitung der #Corona-Pandemie. „Simple Analysen und starke Meinungen“ erschweren nun wiederholt den Diskurs.
As Measles Goes Out Of Control, Is The US Entering A New Covid Wave?
I Have Found More Areas That Are Starting To Rise For Covid Once Again
Press release for a new UK study:
"Nearly one in ten unsure if they have Long Covid. Almost 5% have the condition and socially disadvantaged groups are most affected"
Free paper:
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
A Major US City Is Seeing A Concerning Rise For Covid Once Again
Not All States Are Dropping For Covid ER Visits At This Time
A Look At Viruses In Other Countries And This week's Wastewater Update
It’s International Long Covid Awareness Day, and my latest article looks at the reasons why people believe they don’t know anyone with Long Covid.
We desperately need increased visibility into this debilitating chronic illness so that we can raise awareness and fund treatments, mitigations and cures.
Anyone can get Long Covid. It’s not limited to ‘only the vulnerable’ or those who had a severe initial infection.
This disease does not discriminate. Even people with asymptomatic initial infections have found themselves disabled by Long Covid.
It’s time we start processing the trauma of the pandemic and stop living in denial.
We are in the middle of a mass disabling event, and the longer it takes us to admit that, the more people will be harmed.
Let’s spread the word that the only way to avoid Long Covid is to avoid getting Covid in the first place.
Wear a mask. Stay home when sick. Clean and ventilate the air.
When we all agree to care about the air we share, we can begin to bring about real change.