Very scary piece about the rich behind christofascism at home in the UK

Very scary piece about the rich behind christofascism at home in the UK
“GB News losses exceed £100 million”
by Another Angry Voice on Substack
“Losses at the radically right-wing propaganda operation GB News have soared above one hundred million pounds”
...europäische politische Parteien wie #Spaniens #VOX und #Frankreichs #RassemblementNational.
...#ARC wird von der in den #Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ansässigen Investmentfirma #LegatumGroup und dem britischen Hedgefonds-Millionär #PaulMarshall unterstützt, denen gemeinsam der rechtsgerichtete Sender #GBNews gehört.
Ebenfalls für die #ARC-Konferenz angemeldet sind...
#GBNews at it again with #HateSpeech against the #LGBTQ community:
If you're in the #UK the #GoodLawProject are providing an online service to submit your complaint to #Ofcom at
Please #boost as there's only a few days left to submit your complaint.
#GoodLawProject are creating a letter of complaint to #Ofcom about the despicable comments made by Josh Howie on #GBNews, consisting of homophobic and transphobic rhetoric. GB News and their presenters constantly spread misinformation and hate - by sending thousands of complaints to Ofcom, they HAVE to do something about it.
Will you join? Will you add your name to the letters of complaint?
#LGBTQIA #ResistanceIsPower #LGBWithTheT #StrongerTogether
If you're in the UK, please help stop #GBNews spreading hate speech and homophobia, by signing this petition to #Ofcom by the Good Law Project:
Another edit: Thank you to those who signed and shared. There are now over 47,700 signatures that Good Law Project are going to personally hand in to OfCom on Monday morning!
People in the UK, would you sign a petition to OfCom, sponsored by the Good Law Project, please?
GB News is spreading hate speech and homophobia, using the old lie that homosexual = child abuser.
You don't need to donate or be a Good Law Project donor, they just want more numbers of people who object to unchallenged lies on TV.
Please boost if you would.
Add tags if you think they would help.
Anyone who was thinking of appearing on GBN was / is a twat anyway, bit late to find some morals now. Still at least former Tory cabinet members are still there, so nice to see they haven’t grown a conscience #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #standuptoracism #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #LizTruss #KemiBadenoch #gbnews
The hate-fuelled 'news source' #GBNews is at it again.
I'm not going to share the clip, as I find it too offensive. But one of their presenters has equated being LGBTQIA+ with being a p**dophile.
However, we know that this channel doesn't only target the #LGBTQIA+ community.
It's about time that #SkyNews stops collaborating with this channel.
This is for real....
What is an "un-woke eye mask"?!?!
"January Offer: Get a FREE Un-Woke Satin Eye Mask when you subscribe to GBN Membership this month".
@ChrisMayLA6 GB News = Der Stürmer
More great work from Led By Donkeys in Clacton…..
They’ve rented the billboard for 6 months
"A video created by former #BBC presenter Neil Oliver in which an interviewee claims the “#Jewish mob” is helping an international syndicate run the world has been blocked by YouTube.
The #GBNews host, who also regularly posts his own content on the online video hosting platform, shared a link to his interview with Whitney Webb, a reporter who has previously written that the “official narrative” of the 9/11 attacks is “irrational”.
“Nigel Farage has been noticeably absent from his Clacton-on-Sea constituency, but can local residents trigger a by-election to change their elected representative?”
…Yes they can
#farageriots #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #farright #extremeright #neonazi #rightwing #ukpolitics #uk #racism #racist #racists #fascists #fascist #clacton #edl #altright
#violence #riot #riots #gbnews #leeanderson
“The Reform UK leader is facing protest outside his office at the weekend after claims he ‘peddled comnspiracies’ over Southport tragedies”
…Now there’s a surprise
#farageriots #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #farright #extremeright #neonazi #rightwing #ukpolitics #uk #misogyny #racism #racist #racists #fascists #fascist #clacton #edl #tommyrobinson #violence #riot #riots #gbnews #leeanderson #weird #altright
“Anti-Islam activist moves family from hotel, claiming they had been put in danger”
#farageriots #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #farright #extremeright #neonazi #rightwing #ukpolitics #uk #misogyny #racism #racist #racists #fascists #fascist #clacton #edl #tommyrobinson #violence #riot #riots #gbnews #leeanderson #weird #altright