As the CDC scrubs more and more data to comply with the Trump regime’s anti science policies, a clone website has popped up that’s filled with anti vaccine misinformation.
The website looks just like the “real” CDC, but links to “Parent Testimonials” which are on the Children’s Health Defence website.
What’s the CHD? An anti vaccine NGO which was led by RFK Jr until this past December. They’re also hosting the CDC clone.
I can’t stress how dangerous this website will be if it goes live.
There’s so much misinformation on the internet already, and most people don’t know how to determine the good from the bad.
With the logo, design and language used here… people WILL believe it’s the real CDC website. More children will be harmed.
Is there a way to stop this? I genuinely don’t know, but I sincerely hope public outcry can get it taken offline.