Today's these for @neurothing's #ThursdayFiveList theme is... #TheCircle. Let's see what we come around to.
Russian Circles - Gnosis
Yes, they've got circles in their name, but the track also sounds like it matches the theme to me. Not as heavy as some of their outings, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this gorgeous video for 2022's Gnosis, by the impossibly talented Russian Circles. [CW video imagery touches briefly on death, skeletal remains, microsopy imagery of blood, microorganisms, other cool stuff]
Inkubus Sukkubus - Wytches (1994)
There are lots of versions of this extremely witchy pagan goth anthem, but this is my favourite, and the one that best matches my experience of their most powerful performances.
Ulver - Bracelets of Fingers
An only marginally gothed up and painfully lovely take on this psychedelic pop classic, originally by The Pretty Things.
It's about masturbation, and there are some extremely amusing (probably AI written) "behind the song" articles that are entirely oblivious to this fact.
CW Vietnam War photography on the album cover art.
David 'Iolo' Watson - Stones
There are plenty of lovely performances of the song with real instruments and vocals, but I'd like you to listen to this CMS Game Blaster arrangement by Herman Miller for the early 90s computer music vibe that inspires huge parts of my approach to electronic music:
Blackmore's Night - The Circle
Not only does this exactly match the theme name, but I'm also in the audience in this video. Includes some very fun Richie Blackmore guitar virtuosity. And also lutes.