Autoritäre Zeitregime und Arbeitsdisziplinierung, die bereits E.P. Thompson in den 1960ern als Folge des Industriekapitalismus beschrieben hatte, erleben mit der "digitalen Transformation" (und teils beschleunigt durch bestimmte Coronamaßnahmen) eine noch extremere Verschärfung, gegen die wir uns wehren sollten.
"What’s new, at least to the recent pandemic age of hybrid working, is the extent to which workers can now be tracked inside office buildings. Cracked Labs published a frankly terrifying 25-page case study report in November 2024 showing how systems of wireless networking, motion sensors, and Bluetooth beacons, whether intentionally or as a byproduct of their capabilities, can provide “behavioral monitoring and profiling” in office settings.
The project breaks the tech down into two categories: The first is technology that tracks desk presence and room occupancy, and the second monitors the indoor location, movement, and behavior of the people working inside the building."