Continuing down the road of #throwback plushies with everyone’s favourite #cryptid : MOTHMAN!
This one was tricky, the wings took AGES to embroider, and I had to fully restart one of them. But I think it looks really cool!
Another #throwback to another plushie I made two years ago with this little Nessie!
I’m really proud of this design with its nice mossy green, simple embroidery and red highlights. It was adopted instantly!
#ThrowbackThursday to a nice and foggy spring morning in March 2015...
Leute was soll ich sagen... Ich bin gerade im Schrank über dieses schriftliche Gold gestolpert. Wahnsinnig lustig aus heutiger Sicht, und teilweise erschreckend aktuell!
Es gibt zum Beispiel eine tolle Seite über die Qualität von Passwörtern... Das Ding ist von 2000... Es hat sich nur so mittelviel getan... Der beste Satz in Bezug auf schlechte Passwörter: "Da freut sich der Hacker!"
Starting off the day with a little character I doodled two years ago!
She’s who I want to be when I grow up (I already have the cockatiel, I’m just missing the dress and the tiara)
Reboost plz: #Throwback to 2018 – @hsc55 interviews the Commission in his film
Q: Why has the Commission abandoned their policy from 2013 to free the EU institutions and member states from the dependence on a few American software companies?
Commissioner for Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip: "I don't think we have abandoned this policy. The only solution is to invest more, to catch up."
#throwback to some 2 year-old anthro character doodles I still find really cool, but I never used for anything. I should.
Which one is your favourite?
Throwback Thursday!
In 1944, the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA) put out this sabotage manual for civilians living in Europe under Nazi occupation. This manual was only de-classified in 2008.
It's an important piece of anti-fascist history, offering a fascinating look at what everyday, average citizens were being asked to do to resist fascist rule and work towards liberation.
PDF of the manual:
(more readable) HTMl version of the manual:
#throwback #throwbackthursday, #oss, #cia, #antifascism, #history, #europe, #liberation, #sabotage
#Throwback to my 23rd birthday. My sister and I decided to do a siblings trip down to #Guatemala - our gift, paying for each other's flights. I had just purchased my first camera. A #Fujifilm X-T20 with some basic lenses.
Being so new to #Photography I came home with way too many images, often from taking more shots in the hope one works. Well, this one did! A found frame in my archive of files.
Sometimes I go to extreme lengths to bring you my #AbandonedPlaces photos. Here I am, wading through a flooded Cold War bunker deep below an industrial area in Latvia.
Earlier in the trip I fractured my ribs climbing out of a window in a hurry (but that's another story!). It was an eventful trip!
Blog article about my #Baltics 2023 road trips with more photos and tales from the roadtrip -