The Vatican says Pope Francis has the “onset of bilateral pneumonia” as he remains hospitalized for a respiratory tract infection. Read more from @ABCNews@flipboard.com
#Vatican #Francis #Pope #Catholicism #Rome #Religion
Religion as a personal moral underpinning to life is perfect.
Religion in politics is always evil because ultimately it is about justifying political power though "the end justifies the means"
Secular ideologies can end up similarly; it is unavoidable with religion as it's all about life and death.
Politicians that insist on religious values almost always want these to apply to others, not to themselves.
Pope Francis said:
“Christian love is not a concentric expansion of interests that little by little extend to other persons and groups,” he wrote. “The true ordo amoris that must be promoted is that which we discover by meditating constantly on the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ . . . that is, by meditating on the love that builds a fraternity open to all, without exception.”
JD Vance and ‘Pagan Christianity’?
The rights and wrongs of politicians ‘doing #God’
It’s always awkward when you’re feeling smug about having won a social media spat over the nature of Christian love, and then the literal Pope comes along and tells you you’re wrong
That was the fate of Donald #Trump’s number two last week — no, not Elon #Musk, but vice-president #JDVance. He converted from #Atheism to #Catholicism in 2019, choosing as his patron Saint Augustine who first wrote, in the fifth century AD, about the idea on which this distinctly 21st-century spat centered’
#christianity #christiannationalism
Lambda Legal & HRC file 2nd legal challenge to Trump anti-trans military ban
* lays out precisely how Trump's ban harms lives of military members/their families
* also damages national defense
#SocialJustice #HRC #LambdaLegal
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter
#Trump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #autocracy
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires
NCAA bans trans women f. women’s sports; reverses 15-yr policy
* largest U.S. college sports gov. body
* made the change following Trump’s executive order banning trans girls f. girls’ school sports
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
#fascism #Trump #Project2025 #antiLGBT #NCAA
#Christofascism #transgenocide
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #OpusDEI #transphobia
#WomensRights #misogyny #ReproductiveRights
The skull of St. Thomas Aquinas toured the U.S. for the first time, 750 years after his death. A Thomistic scholar reflects on what the medieval saint might say about its veneration: https://theconversation.com/st-thomas-aquinas-skull-just-went-on-tour-heres-what-the-medieval-saint-himself-would-have-said-about-its-veneration-245970 #Catholicism #relics
What happens when we erase trans people and gender from CDC research?
* Trump2 order to purge CDC research/data f. mentions of gender will have broad impacts
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #HumanRights
#NIH #FDA #NSF #NOAA #HHS #PublicHealth
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #hatred #antiLGBT
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#Christofascism #transgenocide
Second U.S. Federal Judge Blocked Incarcerated Trans Women f. Being Moved to Men's Prisons
* plaintiffs say that Tump’s sweeping anti-trans executive order violates U.S. Constitution
#TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #TransRights #HumanRights
#fascism #Trump2 #Trump #GOP #penology #Project2025
#Christofascism #theocracy #transgenocide
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #transphobia
N.Y. AG Letitia James: Hospitals Must Defy Trump’s Anti-Trans Order
[thread] Resisting Trump2/GOP fascism
#HumanRights #SocialJustice #resistance #CivilDisobedience #ConscientiousObjection
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
#Trump #Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #autocracy #extremism
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #whiteSupremacism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#misogyny #paternalism #sexism
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #libertarianism
N.Y. AG Letitia James: Hospitals Must Defy Trump’s Anti-Trans Order
Refusing services to a class of individuals based on their protected status is discrimination
#LetitiaJames #ConscientiousObjection
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #TitleIX
#USlaw #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #antiDEI #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #transphobia #antiLGBT #misogyny
#Christofascism #theocracy #transgenocide
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #sexism
[cowardice; abrogation of duty] I’m a Doctor Appalled at Silence f. American Medical Association
“Many physicians feel our values do not align w. the values of our advocacy organization”
#cowardice #abrogation #abandonment #sycophancy #AMA
#NIH #NSF #CDC #science #medicine
#USpol #USlaw #Trump #fascism #theocracy #censorship #PostTruthism
#Christofascism #Catholicism #transgenocide
#epistemology #CriticalThinking
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
Project 2025 agenda caps decades-long resistance to 20th century progressive reform
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #autocracy #extremism #HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #antiLGBT #misogyny #paternalism #sexism #transphobia
#Christofascism #theocracy #Gilead #transgenocide
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #ElonMusk #libertarianism
Charles Koch Spent $91M in 2023 to Influence Higher Education
* poured $90.8M into 127 university/college recipients in 2023 to promote business/policies
Comment: your billionaire dollars at work. I suggest you read Jane Mayer's Dark Money
#USpol #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #Project2025
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #libertarianism #CharlesKoch #KochIndustries
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #OpusDei #LeonardLeo #SCOTUS
An excellent piece on the history of the 'other' Irish saint, Brigid, whose life is commemorated on February 1 each year.
#StBrigid #Ireland #saints #Catholicism #paganism
Cowards!! Where Is the Democratic Opposition?
#SocialJustice #HumanRights
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #extremism #HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #whiteSupremacism #antiLGBT #misogyny #paternalism #sexism #transphobia
#Christofascism #theocracy #Gilead #transgenocide
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #ElonMusk #libertarianism
Trump2 OPM Memo attacks Pronouns/Bathrooms/“Gender Ideology"
* Office of Personnel Management interdepartmental memo
* instructs agency heads to immed. comply w. Trump transgenocidal EO
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #antiLGBT #transphobia
#Christofascism #theocracy #transgenocide
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination
Praise the Broken Promise of America
#AlisonLuterman #SocialJustice #HumanRights
#transgender #TransRights #TransLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #extremism #cruelty #Project2025 #hatred
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #whiteSupremacism #antiLGBT #misogyny #paternalism #sexism #transphobia
#Christofascisxm #theocracy #transgenocide
#WomensRights #ReproductiveRights #SelfDetermination