When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and everything he thought about his parents was wrong.
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and everything he thought about his parents was wrong.
Drawn through a magical portal, this scientist discovers a world of unicorns and magic. A fantasy forward story with romantic elements. Free serial for subscribers!
A while ago I discovered someone made an e-ink Portal-inspired calendar. Well last week I finally caved, and bought all the parts to make my own!
This was my first foray into using an ESP32 (as well as soldering) so all things considered, I'm happy that it's running at all given my lack of skills in the areas.
If you want to make your own, the printables page has the models and a link to the GH with the code, BoM, and build instructions:
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and maybe he's more than he's ever thought.
@paulasadoorian The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that the Weighted Companion Cube cannot talk. In the event that it does talk The Enrichment Centre asks you to ignore its advice.
I know it's not super timely, but the last build I played of the fan-made Portal 64 port didn't have title screens, menus or options.
This week I played the last build and it felt like a commercial release! Even had the Valve splash screen when it launched!
@gamingonlinux I love that two #Portal are on the list! Rightfully so!
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and maybe everything he thought about his parents was wrong.
Drawn through a magical portal, this scientist discovers a world of unicorns and magic. A fantasy forward story with romantic elements. Free serial for subscribers!
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and maybe he's more than he's ever thought.
Tye never knew his father. Can being drawn through a magical portal give him a chance for a new found family and a way to discover his magical powers as he seeks to save the unicorns?
https://kitauthor.com/story/through-a-portal-storm/ #transmasc #gay #fantasy #unicorns #portal
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and maybe he's more than he's ever thought.
Still •so• good... and still alive. #Portal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22vbhTi1ieI
Drawn through a magical portal, this scientist discovers a world of unicorns and magic and the power of found family. A fantasy forward story with romantic elements. Free serial for subscribers!
When he's pulled through a portal, Tye discovers a world where unicorns and magic are real and maybe he has the power to work with them both.
Tye never knew his father. His mother had turned away from him. Can being drawn through a magical portal give him a chance for a new found family and a way to discover his magical powers as he seeks to save the unicorns from a devastating illness? He'll only know if he goes through the portal storm.
Hola #fedifiesta, #VámonosJuntas #juntas y otres. Va mi #presentación, que nunca la había hecho, aunque llevo rato acá:
Soy el lobi, vivo en #BuenosAires.
Me gusta el #parkour #FreeRunning y las #ArtesMarciales #DefensaPersonal. A veces patino #skate, paleteo/raqueteo o juego fútbol (mixto) socialmente.
También me gustan los videojuegos de #música como #PumpItUp #PIU, #Ultrastar #karaoke, #TaikoNoTatsujin #taiko, #Rocksmith... Aprendí un poco de piano y canto, pero ppalmente #guitarra. Bajo he tocado tmb. Tuve una banda 3 años.
Escucho #rock, #punk, #metal, #reggae, #ska... Fan de #NOFX, #Sublime, #TheStrokes, #CatupecuMachu, #Flema, #Rancid, #SoaD, #Sumo... Tmb me gusta la cumbia, el pop, algunos reguetones viejos (aunq en su momento los odiaba), la música clásica, el chiptune, #psytrance...
Otros juegos que me gustan son #SvenCoop, #Luanti, #HalfLife #Synergy, #CounterStrike, #AoE, #GMod, #Portal, #L4D... Y el #StreetComplete #OSM. #JuegosDeMesa tmb.
Me gusta #acampar, andar en #bici y el #cicloturismo. También los michis y los cementerios. Estudié #chino #mandarín 2 años.
Uso principalmente (y milito) apps y redes libres #FLOSS y celus usados hace más de 10 años. Antes usaba bastante #Diaspora (en joindiaspora con otro alias y en diaspora.com.ar #DiasporaArgentina hasta que cerró).