Have you heard the name
Mark Carney
Have you heard the name
Mark Carney
#keirstarmer #primeminister #pm #trump #donaldtrump #president #usa #maga #russia #putin #republican #uk #britain #england #zelensky #ukraine #starmer #ukrainewar #news #america #unitedstates #fascist #musk #elonmusk #trumpadministration
A similar post to my previous one, but I love the new headline from Sky News… “Cheers outside No. 10 for Zelenskyy.”
Regarding Trump’s visit… Trump could be in for a severe, eye opening shock regarding the level of hostility many Brits now have towards him.
#keirstarmer #primeminister #pm #trump #donaldtrump #president #usa #maga #russia #putin #republican #uk #britain #england #zelensky #ukraine #starmer #ukrainewar #news #media #america #unitedstates #fascist #musk #elonmusk #trumpcoup #trumpadministration #zelenskyyukvisit
If one picture’s made my day, it’s this one. Welcome to the UK Volodymyr…
Das #Ansehen der #USA fällt gerade im #Ausland ins Bodenlose!
Nachdem man bereits nach dem Treffen mit #Präsident #Macron und #Primeminister #Starmer durch das fortwährende Vortragen von russischen #Propaganda - #Lügen und falschen Zahlen durch #Präsident #Trump unangenehm berührt war, ist es einfach #beschämend, wie die 2 #Maga #Feiglinge #Vance und #Trump den #mutigen #Zelensky, der #Russland die Stirn bot und unerlässlich für sein Land eintritt, ihn hier im #Auftrag von #Putin vorführen und mit falschen #Abschuldigungen einen bombardieren, der sich als nicht Muttersprachler, garnicht bei so viel Unsinn dessen erwehren kann!
Meiner Meinung nach sind die ganzen #Verhandlungen mit den #Russen heiße Luft. Die #Maga #Faschisten möchten so eskalieren, dass sie die #Ukraine und #Europa den #Russen uberlassen können.
#Trump wollte bereits 2017 aus der #NATO austreten.
Er hofft, dass die #Europäer dann seine #Wirtschaft mit #Waffenkäufen ankurbeln, während er die #EU mit #Strafzöllen belegt.
Ich sage #Boykott aller #amerikanischer #Marken und #Waren jetzt!!!
Belegt die #US #Konzerne wie Amazon, Google, X und Facebook mit #Steuern und #Auflagen!
Keine #Waffenkäufe der zukünftigen #Bundesregierung in den #USA, #Kündigung bestehender #Verträge!
ANOTHER reason to vote #liberal.
Without a STRONG #Liberalmajority, #PierrePoilievre WILL seize the seat of #primeMinister and he WILL make us more like #Trumpland.
Sundance 2025 Review: Prime Minister – “Makes a world leader approachable and understandable.” Read it here https://bit.ly/4hlL0rJ by @petdochill
It's interesting to me the scant #media attention this is getting (at least in the #USA)
Huge #protests in #Belgrade #Serbia
Reason: a train station collapse in November, 15 dead: #NoviSad, shoddy construction
The country is seething with disgust at long standing #corruption
#PrimeMinister #Vucecic just resigned
But the #protestors are aiming for #President #Vucic
Now #farmers are joining #students in their 24 hour #traffic #blockade
Keep your eyes on Serbia
It’s pretty obvious that Trudeau’s days are numbered…I highly doubt he’ll make it much past New Year’s Day as PM. Unfortunately, the alternative of Pierre Poilievre is quite frightening (sorry #NDP folks, #JagmeetSingh doesn’t have a hope in becoming #PrimeMinister) and I’m very fearful of the future of our country. #cdnpoli #JustinTrudeau #PierrePoilievre
New episode of our weekly podcast! After two months of hiatus Juliette explains why France needs a new Prime Minister and government, how elections are not likely, and how there are two articles in the French constitution that describe how to topple a government.
We discuss a number of other problems France has, the largest by far being the budget law for 2025.
A number of potential names for Prime Minister come up. Does it even matter?
As usual Brigitte Macron makes an appearance in her role as top Macron-influencer.
Two happy notes: we managed to go through this without mentioning Donald Trump! And we do mention Marine Le Pen, in context of her maybe being barred from holding elected office.
(and apologies to my dad, he's not *that* old - Pepijn)
Listen on Apple Podcast, youtube, spotify etc. All links @ https://wtfrance.podbean.com
#ElectoralReform #ElectoralReformSociety #HouseOfLords #HouseOfLordsReform #UKpolitics #politics #Congress
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water
Remove #hereditary peers YES
Remove former #PrimeMinister's cronies YES
Remove religious leaders MAYBE
But, a #bicameral #parliament needs a TRUE #Senate; a house of wise elders:
Two #elected chambers fight each other along #partyPolitical lines — #logicalReasoning / #criticalThinking is the casualty — everyone pays the price
Argue with me
I'm A #HumanBeing — A #Refugee In #Italy Responds To #MatteoSalvini's "#Dogs And #Pigs" #Slur.
#SoumailaDiawara, a #refugee living in #Italy, addresses Salvini’s #remarks made on #live #television last week, where #Italy's #deputy #primeminister compared #unregulated #migrants to dogs and pigs.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #EuropeanUnion #Italy #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Dehumanization #Racism #Xenophobia
[Video] #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump is #illegally running a #shadow #foreignpolicy, which has the #world on edge.
He has publicly stated that he #talks to #Israeli #PrimeMinister #BenjaminNetanyahu regularly, with Netanyahu asking Trump for #advice, seemingly as part of a shadow foreign policy that also reportedly includes #contacts with america's enemies including #Russia’ #VladimirPutin.
This clearly violates the #LoganAct of 1799.
#Georgia’s #president won’t sign a #horrific #antiLGBTQ+ #bill. It’s still going to become #law.
The #primeminister denounced her for not defending "#traditional and #family #values." (Codeword for Religion)
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Caucasus #Georgia #Religion #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #EmptyThePews #FuckPutin #FuckRussia
#DevinNunes & a small group of other American execs were there to talk business. But they weren’t there to meet w/representatives from another company. A high-ranking ofcl from the Macedonian government greeted them on the tarmac outside their private jet. Then a police escort ferried them from the airport. They were there to meet w/the #Balkan nation’s newly elected #PrimeMinister.
#Factchecking #Trump’s #FoxNews #NoQuestions #townhall #hosted by #SeanHannity
Trump touted #supportive #words from #PutinPuppet and #Authoritarian “#strongman” #Hungarian #PrimeMinister #ViktorOrban.
Hundreds of Thousands of #Israeli #strikers and #protesters #demand #Gaza #deal after 6 #hostages #killed.
#Israeli #PrimeMinister #BenjaminNetanyahu gave his #pressconference Monday evening, arguing that #Israel will never leave the #Philadelphi #corridor representing a change in position.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #MiddleEast #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide
#PrimeMinister #AnthonyAlbanese claims #sexuality and #gender #census questions ‘weren’t #appropriate,’ orders them removed.
‘The #census won’t include all #Australians’
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Australia #Census #Labour #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia
Fun fact: It seems I as a Dutch person living in Denmark, am actually as eligible to become French Prime Minister as any French person.
While there's specific requirements for elected local mayors up all the way to the president, French law is silent on the citizenship of the Prime Minister.
The entire proces is one line: The President of the Republic shall appoint the Prime Minister.
SO THAT COULD BE ME! Salut @Emmanuel1977! I'm available.
#LGBTQ+ #organisations among 80 #notforprofit groups urging the #Labour #government to #address #UK #riots.
In an #openletter sent to #KeirStarmer on Monday (5 August), they called on the #primeminister to address the “ongoing #violence against #peopleofcolor”, which was labelled #contemptuous
#Canadian #PrimeMinister #Trudeau's message on #EmancipationDay
Prime Minister #Justin Trudeau encourages #Canadians to reflect on the impact that #slavery has had on our country and recommit to building a more just #society for everyone.
Video » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_bNFfp5kt8
Written Statement » https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/statements/2024/08/01/statement-prime-minister-emancipation-day